When using Search Engine Marketing where can your ads appear (ANSWER)

Do you know where does the ads published using PPC (Pay-per Click) campaigns appear? Search Engine Marketing is also known as PPC ads. Search Engine Marketing is used to promote a business or a service in search engine results in a paid way.

The difference between Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is that, in Search Engine Marketing (SEM), you have to pay an amount to show your results in a search engine results page while in SEO its free and organic.

When using Search Engine Marketing where can your ads appear

When using Search Engine Marketing where can your ads appear:

Only on search engines

On Websites

On both search engines and websites

On social media

Search engine, social media and websites

When using Search Engine Marketing, your ads appear only on search engines. They usually appear just below the search query box. Also in some cases, they appear at the bottom of the SERP. While in social media marketing, ads appear in different regions of a social media platform.

What technology do Search Engines use to crawl websites

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